Friday, April 8, 2011

Time....a paradox...

So, can time travel be possible? Yes and no. It's basically a theory of relativity and a basis of a big ball of wibbly wimey timey wimey stuff that puts the "impossible" to "improbable" or even a huge anomaly when considering how it fits to those not aware of how it can be contained.

First off, we do know that there is almost a linear projectivery to life..right? There's a point A and a point ᾨ, correct? That we're born, we live, and we die? Sorry to be narcissistic about that, but it really is the case...story of everyone's life as a whole. At this juncture in our civilization we have not crafted the art known as immortality (nor should we, but I digress), so we all simply become part of the world, survive in it, and perish six feet in it.

So, we all can basically say that's 100 percent accurate, at least right now.

But couldn't the same thing be said over 100 years ago before TV, internet, so many cures to disease, world wars, technology as a whole, etc etc? Wouldn't you LOVE to tell those people what to look forward too? How their children are going to live? Or maybe it gave you a chance to say goodbye to someone you loved? Hell, I know I would cherish that moment if I had the ability too...

BUT...At what cost? Or would there EVEN BE a cost? CONSIDER THIS:

Every time story has basically said that if you change the past, you alter the present. Well, not all, but you get the point. Many state that with the concept of "If you kill a butterfly in the past, blah blah blah will happen in the future" (I totally forget where that quote came from now and I'm seriously annoyed about it), but I don't think that's the case.

If we did travel back in the past, wouldn't we already have changed the past? Meaning that our life was already down that path and wouldn't have changed anything at all? We wouldn't create any type of parallel universe because we were already in that universe to begin with - it's almost like we created an interstellar circle in our universe and could have ended up being our own father.

Reference: Futurama.

But really, think about it. We wouldn't be changing history at all...if anything, we'd know more about it. There are so many mysteries in this world left unsolved, and I would LOVE to have a TARDIS to find out all of them. Sure, Doctor Who has had its own spin on those stories in it's own manor, but I personally would LOVE to know who shot first to start the American Revolution because I would love to know. And hell, I would tell them how much they impacted the future full of mystery.

I would love to know whether it was on accident or purpose on this person starting the revolution.

I think a great example of this would be Doctor Who's episode of "Vincent and the Doctor" from the 5th series of the 2005 sagas. They brought Van Goth to the future from his time to show him how much of an impact he had on the world to uplift his spirits. When they did this, some would claim that they altered life.

How so? The 'line' of this planet and all of it's creatures still worked like clockwork with little to no difference.  Van Goth had memories of what his paintings made to him hundreds of years into the future, but no one would take him seriously. And, on top of that, now he had more reason to paint rather than stop and kill himself. And he never took back any paintings of his work, so he couldn't simply copy his own work

.......which would have made ONE HELL of an awesome paradox...

But case in point, that was HIS line of life. inside the Alpha and Omega of his lifestream, he saw the future, literally.

But the question here is this: DOES TIME TRAVEL EXIST?!

Quite possibly no. I don't simply see it existing because the mathematics of breaking time are far too complex for this world to understand. It goes way beyond my realm of comprehension, and I know math majors who couldn't find a way to break time.

The one cool thing about Bill and Ted is that they were aware of that and totally made it killer by letting time go in motion rather than saying "duh, time machine" and using that as a scapegoat so that no one else can know what's going on. Making the time machine put in real time solves a lot of issues, like aging.

That's one thing that really bugs me about Doctor Who, too...

And that's why I think Time travel can't exist....if someone traveled anywhere in time, they would be lost in society, presumed dead, and then considered madmen if/when they came back and said they traveled in time. If someone told you they went in the past/present, would you consider them sane?

I think not.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, those types of time travel could probably not exist. But I think einstein had a theory that if you traveled so far out into space with a huge telescope to look back at earth you could see the past. Kinda cool, not as cool as a time machine. But it would still be cool to look in on the past as it unfolds. Oh yeah and I would like to live forever.
