Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Oh, what is there to say? Other than I hate my internet at my apartment? Or that I really need to just move out of this hellhole? Or that I should work a lot more on music so I can hopefully tour around the would playing my music? Meh, who knows.

First off, I'm going to kill my internet in my apartment...I really don't know what happened between the past week or so to the internet. It just started SUCKING. A LOT. I keep on meaning to call my landlords about this issue, but my sleep schedule has been very rough lately and I just kind of...procrastinate.

I'll stop procrastinating tomorrow.

Speaking of procrastination....my apartment is a bloody disaster.


I really do need to clean that sucker, but who knows when that will happen. LOL.

So, here I am at work.....blogging. Maybe better it that than video blogging, but who the hell knows. It still feels weird to be paid while I do this...

So, what else is going on? Well, Japanapalooza went...........well, it went. No idea how much money was raised, and I really didn't care for a lot of the music. I really kept on asking myself why I was there the whole time..Saturday was better, but Friday...

Yeah, it's going to be some time before I'm finished about being pissed off about Friday. It really kind of woke me up to a lot and just makes me want to move away from this town faster. I really don't want to discuss much more, so I'll just leave it that I'm still pissed off about it.

I would have snagged some pics of the event if I remembered to bring my camera...HA! I did Rick Roll everyone on Friday...and two people noticed it. TWO. FUCKING. PEOPLE.

My GOD, that is one hell of an old meme and PEOPLE STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL A RICK ROLL IS AROUND HERE?! Fail, Johnson City. Fail.

But enough of that. I did see some old friends yesterday when I visited my old alma mater to check out all the new broadcasting equipment. I DID get pictures of that, but my camera is no where REMOTELY close to me right now so I can't upload them.

They'll be in my video blog, though. As well as some video I shot there with my POS camera. ^_^

I seriously need an HD cam. I would love a prosumer cam...with FCP. *sigh* fantasies.

But, I think I'm going to move in with my parents at the end of my lease so I'll buy one then. Seriously, though, I'm barely making rent now and it would just be better for everything. Don't get me wrong, I am so glad I got an apartment, but economically it might be better to move back in with my parents.

More on that as the days go by.

Uhm, I'll post something here later about my thoughts about Game of Thrones. But for now, this will do it.


-Big Bang Theory

So yeah, moving out was a good/bad decision now. HAHAHAHA!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Internet tubes are clogged


Seriously, though, a huge storm came through the area last Saturday and did a lot of damage to the JC area. And, what only I can assume, did some damage to the internet as well.

Because mine has gone to complete and utter shit. Maybe someone else is just completely abusing the bandwidth, but my internet has been so slow...thus, why I have not been uploading recently.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

rainy day = thinking day.....

So, I feel kinda like I'm provoking everyone on facebook. For the past couple of days, I have been tormenting them all with spam on their feed....well, not SPAM spam, but constantly promoting my song/vlog so I can get more hits and more comments and more views and such.

Well, I've run out of ideas. I'm kinda tired of spamming their feed because I'm pretty sure that I've lost friends over it. Not to mention that they're not promoting it to their friends and their friends aren't promoting it to their friends, so it seems like a lost cause to do.

And that really annoys me. How I can do ANYTHING in this town when friends aren't going to help? How can I improve on what I do without hearing comments from outside sources?


Friday, April 8, 2011


And what's this?!? I actually finished a song?!? ZOMGNESS!


Ya know, back when I was on Xanga, I posted on a daily basis. Maybe I had a better life than I do now then, but I made it a duty to post at least once everyday on that, and I feel like I'm really dropping the ball on this thing...

I told myself to continue this rather than talk about my real life on my Vlog, but I don't know....life just seems to kind of drag right now..same old same old.

And I'm sure you all don't want to see a blog post that's almost an exact copy of the previous one. Plus, I do more on my Facebook status updates and twitter account now than here....Though it seems like no one checks those out either.

I really am trying to post more here....but I go to bed much earlier and the majority of the time I just sit on Facebook hoping someone will message me and/or reply to something that I thought of as creative.

I really feel like I'm in a wrong generation or just in a town that doesn't understand me.......

And that's something I really want to blog about, but I know what's going to happen when I do....same thing that always happens - I say something that someone puts out of proportion and I get a lot of flack because of it. Well, I've come to realize that some people just simply don't comprehend or have the lack of intelligence to understand, so they fill in unwanted gaps and put innuendos in where they see fit and make an educated guess to make something sarcastic become serious.

And we're all victim of it. I'm not singling anyone out of that because I do the same thing. That's simply humanity.

And then I get labeled as weird, nerdy, dorky, fat, etc etc. Which only furthers my depression and gives fuel to the wilted flower that's covered in snow.

I will say this one thing, assuming I don't jinx myself in the process. In the hopes of asking for help from the outside of this hole I somehow found myself in, there is a girl I have my eyes set on right now and I'm hoping for something to develop rather than just the weak friendship we currently reside in. I'd rather not say who she is, but I have a feeling it's more obvious than I assume, judging from the comments I get.

Which makes me bewildered about a lot of things....Hopefully later on I can actually discuss that and find a hand to pull me out of this hole...

...well, ok, it's a ditch. ^_^ the hole has been a lot deeper, but I'm almost at the top. Now, I just need a hand to grab onto.

Time....a paradox...

So, can time travel be possible? Yes and no. It's basically a theory of relativity and a basis of a big ball of wibbly wimey timey wimey stuff that puts the "impossible" to "improbable" or even a huge anomaly when considering how it fits to those not aware of how it can be contained.

First off, we do know that there is almost a linear projectivery to life..right? There's a point A and a point αΎ¨, correct? That we're born, we live, and we die? Sorry to be narcissistic about that, but it really is the case...story of everyone's life as a whole. At this juncture in our civilization we have not crafted the art known as immortality (nor should we, but I digress), so we all simply become part of the world, survive in it, and perish six feet in it.

So, we all can basically say that's 100 percent accurate, at least right now.

But couldn't the same thing be said over 100 years ago before TV, internet, so many cures to disease, world wars, technology as a whole, etc etc? Wouldn't you LOVE to tell those people what to look forward too? How their children are going to live? Or maybe it gave you a chance to say goodbye to someone you loved? Hell, I know I would cherish that moment if I had the ability too...

BUT...At what cost? Or would there EVEN BE a cost? CONSIDER THIS:

Every time story has basically said that if you change the past, you alter the present. Well, not all, but you get the point. Many state that with the concept of "If you kill a butterfly in the past, blah blah blah will happen in the future" (I totally forget where that quote came from now and I'm seriously annoyed about it), but I don't think that's the case.

If we did travel back in the past, wouldn't we already have changed the past? Meaning that our life was already down that path and wouldn't have changed anything at all? We wouldn't create any type of parallel universe because we were already in that universe to begin with - it's almost like we created an interstellar circle in our universe and could have ended up being our own father.

Reference: Futurama.

But really, think about it. We wouldn't be changing history at all...if anything, we'd know more about it. There are so many mysteries in this world left unsolved, and I would LOVE to have a TARDIS to find out all of them. Sure, Doctor Who has had its own spin on those stories in it's own manor, but I personally would LOVE to know who shot first to start the American Revolution because I would love to know. And hell, I would tell them how much they impacted the future full of mystery.

I would love to know whether it was on accident or purpose on this person starting the revolution.

I think a great example of this would be Doctor Who's episode of "Vincent and the Doctor" from the 5th series of the 2005 sagas. They brought Van Goth to the future from his time to show him how much of an impact he had on the world to uplift his spirits. When they did this, some would claim that they altered life.

How so? The 'line' of this planet and all of it's creatures still worked like clockwork with little to no difference.  Van Goth had memories of what his paintings made to him hundreds of years into the future, but no one would take him seriously. And, on top of that, now he had more reason to paint rather than stop and kill himself. And he never took back any paintings of his work, so he couldn't simply copy his own work

.......which would have made ONE HELL of an awesome paradox...

But case in point, that was HIS line of life. inside the Alpha and Omega of his lifestream, he saw the future, literally.

But the question here is this: DOES TIME TRAVEL EXIST?!

Quite possibly no. I don't simply see it existing because the mathematics of breaking time are far too complex for this world to understand. It goes way beyond my realm of comprehension, and I know math majors who couldn't find a way to break time.

The one cool thing about Bill and Ted is that they were aware of that and totally made it killer by letting time go in motion rather than saying "duh, time machine" and using that as a scapegoat so that no one else can know what's going on. Making the time machine put in real time solves a lot of issues, like aging.

That's one thing that really bugs me about Doctor Who, too...

And that's why I think Time travel can't exist....if someone traveled anywhere in time, they would be lost in society, presumed dead, and then considered madmen if/when they came back and said they traveled in time. If someone told you they went in the past/present, would you consider them sane?

I think not.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So, uh....

April is creeping up on me. And I'm rather excited because I have a lot planned. Rush, Surviving Johnson City Night, New Doctor Who Series, MTAC, Japanapalooza, and the debut of my first nerdcore/nerd metal song. So I have a lot going for me.

However, I'm seriously thinking about getting rid of one event, and that would be MTAC. Don't get me wrong, I really want to go, but I have no place to stay, no tickets yet, and not the biggest love of anime. I love some of the older stuff and maybe a little of the newer, but after April became a part of my life, I had a vast 360 and changed my life. I was into Anime before her, I was playing DnD, I was doing Halo lan parties, I was being a nerd. Then she became a part of my life and I changed without either of us really knowing.

I'm sure school played a part in that, too, but I'm not really sure at this point.

Needless to say, I feel like I'm going to be...well, alone most of the time in that con. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing (I'm mostly going to scope the music and nerd panels there and the concerts, but I don't know what else I'm going to do), but this does lead me into something that I honestly feel right now.

See, I met a lot of good friends at GMX last year from my friend Alex. We all cosplayed as Doctor Who and Firefly and it was completely awesome...HOWEVER, I didn't know anyone in that group other than Alex. But I quickly gained their friendship and hung out with them a lot.

Yes, I talk to them more, but I still feel out of place among the group. Maybe it's because 1/2 of the male population of that group, or it's something else deep inside...something lurking within that I cannot control. Or it's just that I'm a male stuck in a shitty non-nerdy town that's exactly like a Revenge of the Nerds plot...except I'm not in Lambda Lambda Lambda.

So, I feel almost useless here...But I just digressed from the point.

I have a choice to make now. Alex's friend Mary, who played the TARDIS and Mal(?), has a birthday party this week...Saturday to be exact. I don't know where and I don't know the exact time, but I was invited and I said no. Mostly because I live 4+ hours away and simply cannot afford the gas.

However, I have a Rush show that night, too. It was supposed to be on the 1st, but got delayed until the 2nd (Damn, that's one hell of an April Fool's joke). Needless to say, I don't know what to do...

I can go to Rush, or go to Mary's party...

But this kind of brings an error to me mostly because I don't know how I would honestly feel at Mary's party. I would feel like the [insert outcast fallacy here] or the sad drunk, mostly because that's how I really feel right now. I don't think I would be a good part of that because I just don't see things ending in a good way..

...much like how I kinda feel like when I think about MTAC right now. So now I'm debating about MTAC as well because I feel like a lonely lost soul who's just there because 'some other friends are and I somehow got dragged along'. Granted, I would have fun there, but the downtimes seem to bother me.

See, at GMX, there was a place to game and watch others game...I don't know what MTAC has to offer, and I'm a little iffy about taking the plunge...ESPECIALLY if I don't have a place to stay, other than my car. With it being less than 20 days away, you can probably see my complex issues.

So, I really don't know what I should do at this current moment because I almost would feel like an outcast amongst that group. They all went to college together, they all are besties and talk amongst each other on FB and skype, and I seem to be left amongst the dust.

/forever alone

However, that's how I feel at the current moment...alone. More on that later because it's going to be insanely emo and emotional, and could very well put me into a bad scenario.......if people actually read this shit. Judging by the replies (which there is NONE), I assume no one does.