Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So, uh....

April is creeping up on me. And I'm rather excited because I have a lot planned. Rush, Surviving Johnson City Night, New Doctor Who Series, MTAC, Japanapalooza, and the debut of my first nerdcore/nerd metal song. So I have a lot going for me.

However, I'm seriously thinking about getting rid of one event, and that would be MTAC. Don't get me wrong, I really want to go, but I have no place to stay, no tickets yet, and not the biggest love of anime. I love some of the older stuff and maybe a little of the newer, but after April became a part of my life, I had a vast 360 and changed my life. I was into Anime before her, I was playing DnD, I was doing Halo lan parties, I was being a nerd. Then she became a part of my life and I changed without either of us really knowing.

I'm sure school played a part in that, too, but I'm not really sure at this point.

Needless to say, I feel like I'm going to be...well, alone most of the time in that con. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing (I'm mostly going to scope the music and nerd panels there and the concerts, but I don't know what else I'm going to do), but this does lead me into something that I honestly feel right now.

See, I met a lot of good friends at GMX last year from my friend Alex. We all cosplayed as Doctor Who and Firefly and it was completely awesome...HOWEVER, I didn't know anyone in that group other than Alex. But I quickly gained their friendship and hung out with them a lot.

Yes, I talk to them more, but I still feel out of place among the group. Maybe it's because 1/2 of the male population of that group, or it's something else deep inside...something lurking within that I cannot control. Or it's just that I'm a male stuck in a shitty non-nerdy town that's exactly like a Revenge of the Nerds plot...except I'm not in Lambda Lambda Lambda.

So, I feel almost useless here...But I just digressed from the point.

I have a choice to make now. Alex's friend Mary, who played the TARDIS and Mal(?), has a birthday party this week...Saturday to be exact. I don't know where and I don't know the exact time, but I was invited and I said no. Mostly because I live 4+ hours away and simply cannot afford the gas.

However, I have a Rush show that night, too. It was supposed to be on the 1st, but got delayed until the 2nd (Damn, that's one hell of an April Fool's joke). Needless to say, I don't know what to do...

I can go to Rush, or go to Mary's party...

But this kind of brings an error to me mostly because I don't know how I would honestly feel at Mary's party. I would feel like the [insert outcast fallacy here] or the sad drunk, mostly because that's how I really feel right now. I don't think I would be a good part of that because I just don't see things ending in a good way..

...much like how I kinda feel like when I think about MTAC right now. So now I'm debating about MTAC as well because I feel like a lonely lost soul who's just there because 'some other friends are and I somehow got dragged along'. Granted, I would have fun there, but the downtimes seem to bother me.

See, at GMX, there was a place to game and watch others game...I don't know what MTAC has to offer, and I'm a little iffy about taking the plunge...ESPECIALLY if I don't have a place to stay, other than my car. With it being less than 20 days away, you can probably see my complex issues.

So, I really don't know what I should do at this current moment because I almost would feel like an outcast amongst that group. They all went to college together, they all are besties and talk amongst each other on FB and skype, and I seem to be left amongst the dust.

/forever alone

However, that's how I feel at the current moment...alone. More on that later because it's going to be insanely emo and emotional, and could very well put me into a bad scenario.......if people actually read this shit. Judging by the replies (which there is NONE), I assume no one does.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

This week...

Has been full of crap and good times. LOL. Sadly, tomorrow is Friday and that means more Rebecca Black...UGH!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Money's tight...

All right, so I splurged a bit in the past three weeks....and now I'm regretting it. I'm in a lot of trouble here...

I'm down to about 100 dollars..about 75 of that is going to my Dish network bill this week (automatic charge, so I can't delay it), and maybe 15 of that goes to paying for gas until Friday, when I get paid again..

That leaves...what? 10 dollars for food? And I just ran out of it now. FFFUUUUUU-

Friday, March 4, 2011

Well, shucks Bucs.

Yeah, both teams lost today. However, I'm not really complaining. I did accomplish one of the missions of this today, which was to say hi to my friend Liz, who conducts the Jacksonville band. The "meet" of us two was short, and I had wished for more, but I guess that's what you get.

I wasn't expecting the big hug she gave me....or the fact that her way of calling to me was "FOOCH!", which I didn't even know she knew that nickname.

(It's a popular nickname, and I....well, embrace it. Fuck the Urban dictionary meaning of that word.)

But enough of that nonsence because that'll only bring more emotional BS I really don't want to talk about on this blog. Yes, people, I do hide some personal issues on my blog because they are so personal that it takes a lot to discuss.

Getting back to the point, both teams lost with very unexpected losses and very close games. So, I'm rather happy that both teams did lose in a close game, rather than a huge upset. We shouldn't have lost those games, but sometimes you can't predict the future....though we all desire to do so.

In these past couple days, though, I did do some mechanical delusions and discussions with my mind about one thing that has also been divulging in my mind - Pep bands. We totally drive more than just "intermission pieces" because the majority of those playing are students attending that school, and have a lot of "spunk" and "pep" to them; we drive the force of the team.

Just like cheerleaders, the pep band is a vital part of the college basketball experience. We lay our hearts down for the team, and yell so loud we can almost break our vocal chords...

However, the Atlantic Sun almost seems to be lacking in that....well, let me rephrase... LACKING IN EVERYTHING.

Seriously, these pep bands are just so G rated it annoys me. I can understand not yelling a "fuck you!" to the team, but I think we lost creativity somewhere and we just mock the cheerleaders. We're the worst while the majority of the other teams do have some creativity.

And then there's Belmont. They ARE the pep band for this conference. They create innovate chants, rants, new songs, a good song book, and are very much in tune. But they do have the weakness of being complete and utter dicks, and they're so uptight that they lack the "pep" of a pep band. They can play and they can yell, but in the end, they're so tightassed it's almost funny.

ETSU does come to a close second, with a blur for everyone else and Jacksonville coming in near dead last (sorry, Liz! Still luvs your band, though!). But still, there's not creativity in every band. You're lucky if you hear one new song, and then you'll hear it over and over and over again. If you go to all the games during the conference, you can almost generate a setlist by finals, and a decent setlist for the rest of the time they are in the Atlantic Sun.

Also, why the lack of new songs? UNF did a good job of having a list of new songs, and it was nice to hear, but more teams need to do that. I'm getting tired of hearing "Louie louie" every year by ETSU...can we not come up with better songs?

But now I'm ranting because I've got alcohol in me and little food. I should really pack now....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Quite the...uh..long day.

Wake up 3AM. Yes, 3 in the Fucking morning. Take a shower, eat breakfast, and leave for Macon, GA. Yes, my friends, my much needed vacation is Macon, GA.

And you know what? I'm fucking happy.

I'm not partying like the rest of the band mates, I'm not getting drunk or yelling, or doing stupid shit...did all that in college. Now, I'm being the responsible grown up, lying in the hotel by myself, drinking by myself, and just simply relaxing. And you know what? That alone is worth the trip.

Now, there is a reason for this....Yes, I'm the Buc Brass roadie this year. My main goal is to simply move the gear, make sure we have everything, and help load the drums. Luckily, I've been playing drums in Buc Brass for over five years, so I already know the set up and how things flow.

Point me.

But I digress from the point of this blog post....so, I travel for around 5.5 hours down to Macon, GA. We arrive with only enough time to grab McDees (ugh...and here I am on a diet and trying to lose weight), and drive down to Mercer University to watch the Lady Bucs play against Lipscomb University.

And the refs sucked. Seriously. We pulled the victory, but it shouldn't have been that close. I was a decent camper.

After that (it's around 3PM or so), we finally check into the hotel room where I have a room to myself. *sigh* It's nice to not be surrounded with college kids who solely want to get drunk for once on this trip. As I post this, I'm assuming Beer pong is going on above me, but I couldn't give a flying fuck less. All I care is if I can sleep tonight.

Oh, and my voice was shot during that game as well....so no calling people. Only texting. I unpack, organize my clothing (yes, I actually have it set in order on what to be worn on what day), and just chill.

Now, time to catch up on what I missed last night. I watched Conan, The Daily Show, and an episode of BSG before grabbing dinner at Subway, grabbing a six pack of Yuengling, and get ready for the men's game...

.....which was also crap. Mostly because the men just kinda gave in at the end and it came down to 1 point with .5 seconds left on the clock.


I can't kid you all, I was gripping on my toes because I was so pissed....we did win, though. BY ONE FUCKING POINT. It was a 2 seed against a 7 seed......it shouldn't have gone down like that.

Ugh....I hope we do better on Friday.

Yeah, I have nothing to do tomorrow. If I drove down (the original schedule), I was going to go check out the games tomorrow and say hi to my friend Liz, who is conducting the Jacksonville band. We met like 3 years ago when she told me she loved my wig.

That was in Nashville....and I somehow lost her number. Hmm..

OH WELL. I'll get it sometime. I might just grab a taxi or walk...it's like five miles from the hotel, so that's like, an hour walking?

......I'll let you know. I'm tired and I'm going to sleep for 17 hours. Nighty!