Friday, April 8, 2011


Ya know, back when I was on Xanga, I posted on a daily basis. Maybe I had a better life than I do now then, but I made it a duty to post at least once everyday on that, and I feel like I'm really dropping the ball on this thing...

I told myself to continue this rather than talk about my real life on my Vlog, but I don't just seems to kind of drag right now..same old same old.

And I'm sure you all don't want to see a blog post that's almost an exact copy of the previous one. Plus, I do more on my Facebook status updates and twitter account now than here....Though it seems like no one checks those out either.

I really am trying to post more here....but I go to bed much earlier and the majority of the time I just sit on Facebook hoping someone will message me and/or reply to something that I thought of as creative.

I really feel like I'm in a wrong generation or just in a town that doesn't understand me.......

And that's something I really want to blog about, but I know what's going to happen when I do....same thing that always happens - I say something that someone puts out of proportion and I get a lot of flack because of it. Well, I've come to realize that some people just simply don't comprehend or have the lack of intelligence to understand, so they fill in unwanted gaps and put innuendos in where they see fit and make an educated guess to make something sarcastic become serious.

And we're all victim of it. I'm not singling anyone out of that because I do the same thing. That's simply humanity.

And then I get labeled as weird, nerdy, dorky, fat, etc etc. Which only furthers my depression and gives fuel to the wilted flower that's covered in snow.

I will say this one thing, assuming I don't jinx myself in the process. In the hopes of asking for help from the outside of this hole I somehow found myself in, there is a girl I have my eyes set on right now and I'm hoping for something to develop rather than just the weak friendship we currently reside in. I'd rather not say who she is, but I have a feeling it's more obvious than I assume, judging from the comments I get.

Which makes me bewildered about a lot of things....Hopefully later on I can actually discuss that and find a hand to pull me out of this hole...

...well, ok, it's a ditch. ^_^ the hole has been a lot deeper, but I'm almost at the top. Now, I just need a hand to grab onto.

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