Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Oh, what is there to say? Other than I hate my internet at my apartment? Or that I really need to just move out of this hellhole? Or that I should work a lot more on music so I can hopefully tour around the would playing my music? Meh, who knows.

First off, I'm going to kill my internet in my apartment...I really don't know what happened between the past week or so to the internet. It just started SUCKING. A LOT. I keep on meaning to call my landlords about this issue, but my sleep schedule has been very rough lately and I just kind of...procrastinate.

I'll stop procrastinating tomorrow.

Speaking of procrastination....my apartment is a bloody disaster.


I really do need to clean that sucker, but who knows when that will happen. LOL.

So, here I am at work.....blogging. Maybe better it that than video blogging, but who the hell knows. It still feels weird to be paid while I do this...

So, what else is going on? Well, Japanapalooza went...........well, it went. No idea how much money was raised, and I really didn't care for a lot of the music. I really kept on asking myself why I was there the whole time..Saturday was better, but Friday...

Yeah, it's going to be some time before I'm finished about being pissed off about Friday. It really kind of woke me up to a lot and just makes me want to move away from this town faster. I really don't want to discuss much more, so I'll just leave it that I'm still pissed off about it.

I would have snagged some pics of the event if I remembered to bring my camera...HA! I did Rick Roll everyone on Friday...and two people noticed it. TWO. FUCKING. PEOPLE.

My GOD, that is one hell of an old meme and PEOPLE STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL A RICK ROLL IS AROUND HERE?! Fail, Johnson City. Fail.

But enough of that. I did see some old friends yesterday when I visited my old alma mater to check out all the new broadcasting equipment. I DID get pictures of that, but my camera is no where REMOTELY close to me right now so I can't upload them.

They'll be in my video blog, though. As well as some video I shot there with my POS camera. ^_^

I seriously need an HD cam. I would love a prosumer cam...with FCP. *sigh* fantasies.

But, I think I'm going to move in with my parents at the end of my lease so I'll buy one then. Seriously, though, I'm barely making rent now and it would just be better for everything. Don't get me wrong, I am so glad I got an apartment, but economically it might be better to move back in with my parents.

More on that as the days go by.

Uhm, I'll post something here later about my thoughts about Game of Thrones. But for now, this will do it.


-Big Bang Theory

So yeah, moving out was a good/bad decision now. HAHAHAHA!

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