Monday, February 28, 2011


OK,'s wet outside. Like, so wet that..



.....well, nevermind.

So, this could be a VERY interesting week for me. I'm hanging with band buddies and going to Macon, GA for the Atlantic Sun Tournament (GO BUCS!!!!). Knowing this crew, I'm going to be getting drunk.


So, I'm preparing early? Maybe? LOL. I've lost at least 30-40lbs since the last time I was in an Atlantic Sun Tourney, so the alcohol will PROBABLY go to my head.

In all reality, I won't drink a lot. Just spend time in my hotel room working on music, and driving people to their destination. HAHAHA.

(Let's be real here, I haven't been drunk since Halloween 2009).

So, this is going to be a very interesting week. Roughly a 5.5 hour drive both ways, to hang out with some band buddies, and some old friends I haven't seen in a couple of years. I'll be bringing Lappy (my name for my laptop), so I will try to keep everything update. I look forward to posting lots of pics for everyone. HAH.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Man, what a week!

Been an intense week, for sure. I got about 35 hours at JC Penny this week, plus about 7 hours at Holston Valley...

I also am dealing with a lot of stupid crap I got myself into, on top of going to Comcast, Not getting Comcast, going BACK to Comcast, going to Best Buy, and back, and back, and back...

And I also am out of food. Plus, I seem like I'm not getting a WHOLE lot of sleep lately, which is...weird....

Oh, and I have a new phone, too. Getting out on my own and off of my parents plan. :-) Which means ANDROID! LOL.

I love it so far. :-)

New Video blog. ^_^

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So, wireless internet...

OK, So, I was going to get Comcast internet today. Woo on that....I thought.

bought the Comcast startup kit and a wireless router, expecting to do everything myself and not have to deal with anymore Comcast BS.

Found out I forgot to get a modem. So, I can loan one through comcast and not worry about anything, right? Right.

Returned the wireless router. My brother had an extra one, so I could just use that one.

Go down to Comcast to grab a modem. Had to sign up there and pay money for someone to come and do their little Comcast BS thing. Grr..

Cut to today. They wake my ass up to tell me their own their way. FFFUUUUUU-

Two minutes later, there's a knock on the apartment door. Yep, Comcast...with TWO people? One must be a trainee. Tell me to go ahead and set things up in the apartment while they check stuff out..Guess it was to grab the modem and such.

WEEELLL, After I open everything up and start hooking up the coaxial cables, they come back. Tell me they CAN'T HOOK UP internet because I'm with Dish Network.


*sigh* So, I can't have comcast internet. Oh, and that starter pack I got at Best Buy? Yep, don't think I can return that now. Why? Well, besides it being open now, I LEFT THE RECEIPT AT BEST BUY WHEN I RETURNED THE FRAKKIN' WIRELESS ROUTRER.

Lesson learned. Never leave a receipt.

However, the silver lining here is that I got the internet fixed with my apartment. So, I can use free internet now. It's about T1/DSL speed, so not the best but it'll do.

Hell, I was playing Everquest on a fucking 3G wifi card. I think T1 will be fine. ^_^

Saturday, February 19, 2011

WTF?!? Really?

My account on Allgames is still active?! Schwaaaaaaaa???

OK, now I gotta check to see if my G4 account is act-No, wait...bad idea..

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Battlestar: Galatica season 1 and 2.0 review

Ok, well first off, I do want to say that I watched Caprica first. So, I didn't go into the series all that fresh, but still unknowning of what was going on.

First off, if we go with the cannon of Caprica being cannon and first in the series, how can we NOT mention the fact that people didn't know Cylons could turn into humans? It was a huge project at the end, and even AT the end they made it possible for Zoey to become a human/cylon mix. And that must have been HUNDREDS of years before the Cylons invaded Caprica at the beginning of BSG.

It just bothers me a bit...

However, we're not here to debate whether things are going to be cannon or not. We got one more prequel to BSG coming up, and maybe that will help tie things together.

So, I'm interested in where the series will go in the next couple of seasons for BSG. I've heard a lot of mixed reviews, so I'm interested to see how I'm going to like the direction they are going to take. Sure, I enjoy it so far, but this whole "we're searching for Earth while the Cylons constantly attack me" plot is going to fade really quick, and if they keep it up, I might not finish the series. It's just....blah.

Imagine every chase scene known to mankind, but put it space and the ability to randomly go into hyperspace without being tracked...that's the basic plot of BSG.

However, they are looking at other options. The little sidemission they had on both Caprica and Zeus(?) at the end of season one going into season two was a nice direction change and kept me interested, but I feel that at some point soon that things are going to get old and nothing will save the show from falling into the impending doom of SyFy's science fiction abyss.

And that new ship they made? The stealth ship? I don't understand why they don't modify all of those ships with that. Perfect minute men move and a total mind-fuck for the Cylons. They may not have the material, that's understandable, but I think it would be a HUGE turning point.

I do enjoy the character development, though. Each character adds a new dimension to it, and it feels kind weird when all of them are not completely in the episode. My two favs right now are Starbuck and...uh....the pilot that shot Boomer (I forgot her name). She's adorable, and she got a lot of lines/star time in the second season, and it was a great time to build her character.

Not a big fan of everyone else...they all seem like they have their own agenda to help save "mankind", and it's creating so much turmoil for the ship...but then again, THAT'S LIFE. So, I can't complain because they all have that inevitable feeling of "it should be done this way instead" rather than "Sure, why not. I'm just an extra anyway".

But I'm real interested to see where things are going, epically because of how I left it last time. Just like the ending of Season one, it had an intense season ending, leaving the "OMGWTF" moment that I love in season finales. So, when I get some free time, I'll start watching the next "season".

I think I killed myself today...

Well, muscle wise. I was sooo sore at work that it took me about ten minutes to get up after my break. All right, so I'm exaggerating that as well. Sue me.

No, please don't. ^_^

But yeah, after biking twice this week, working my butt off, lack of sleep for various reasons, and an annoying back pain from yelling at Everquest II, I'm pretty sure my body is ready to beat the living shit out of me. And I have one more day left of this CRAP. At least it's one

But I'm posting my video blog ahead of schedule, so look forward to that today. One of my biggest production ones yet, and it's a little lacking as well (at least, in my opinion). I'll post that later on tonight.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


No, seriously, I do.

I know it's their job, their right, whatever...but does it seriously have to hurt as much as it does? :-/

Friday, February 11, 2011

Video Blog episode 6!

All righty! Well, I said I would have a review of Season one of Battlestar Galactia in my video blog....



It's coming! Making some final touches. Should be up soon.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Yeah...I must have pulled a muscle or something in my left arm at work today or last night while sleeping.

...neverthless, IT HURTS LIKE FUCK!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So, I'm still Wactching BSG, but in the meantime I'm adding a HELL of a lot of bands to my computer...because, ya know, one can never have too much Metal.

So, in the past couple days, I've got new material from:
Iron Mask
Dream Evil
Mob Rules
and Krypteria.

O.M.G. these bands are soooo awesome. I've added them all to my iPod within minutes of hearing the FIRST song. I usually listen to an entire album through (As I've done with them all), but within minutes they all just scream power and epicness that they HAD to go on my iPod!

But my personal fav from all those would have to be Voyager. The epic space trance mixed with metal combo is something very close to PM5K, but almost better than them. It's that style I've been longing to hear since I first heard Star One way back in the day. It's a style I've been trying so hard to find to open up my mind to sci-fi metal, and I'm so glad I decided to check them out.

Oh, and a lot of those bands are going to be at ProgPower this year, as well. And you know who's going?


Sure, it's like 130 dollars, but the setlist is TOTALLY worth it. And (hopefully) I'll be using it as a "write off" for my band and giving out either EPs and/OR CD samples to the attendees in attempt for more fans and gigs.

By September, we should have a lot done....Hopefully? God, I hope so! We got enough licks now, that I think we can totally get at least five songs done by then!

(Personally, I want three and promo pics done by the end of March so we can get some fucking air play and profit from some of the local and regional radio stations).

OOOOOH, And I have solar energy in my apartment too! Whenever I get a better position for the panel, I'll take a pic for you all to see how cool it looks on my ceiling!

But, that's all for now. It's supposed to snow bigtime tonight, so I gotta make sure I'm well rested for going to work tomorrow.....*sigh*

Even during snow storms I have to drive my lazy-ass to work. :-)