Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Quite the...uh..long day.

Wake up 3AM. Yes, 3 in the Fucking morning. Take a shower, eat breakfast, and leave for Macon, GA. Yes, my friends, my much needed vacation is Macon, GA.

And you know what? I'm fucking happy.

I'm not partying like the rest of the band mates, I'm not getting drunk or yelling, or doing stupid shit...did all that in college. Now, I'm being the responsible grown up, lying in the hotel by myself, drinking by myself, and just simply relaxing. And you know what? That alone is worth the trip.

Now, there is a reason for this....Yes, I'm the Buc Brass roadie this year. My main goal is to simply move the gear, make sure we have everything, and help load the drums. Luckily, I've been playing drums in Buc Brass for over five years, so I already know the set up and how things flow.

Point me.

But I digress from the point of this blog, I travel for around 5.5 hours down to Macon, GA. We arrive with only enough time to grab McDees (ugh...and here I am on a diet and trying to lose weight), and drive down to Mercer University to watch the Lady Bucs play against Lipscomb University.

And the refs sucked. Seriously. We pulled the victory, but it shouldn't have been that close. I was a decent camper.

After that (it's around 3PM or so), we finally check into the hotel room where I have a room to myself. *sigh* It's nice to not be surrounded with college kids who solely want to get drunk for once on this trip. As I post this, I'm assuming Beer pong is going on above me, but I couldn't give a flying fuck less. All I care is if I can sleep tonight.

Oh, and my voice was shot during that game as no calling people. Only texting. I unpack, organize my clothing (yes, I actually have it set in order on what to be worn on what day), and just chill.

Now, time to catch up on what I missed last night. I watched Conan, The Daily Show, and an episode of BSG before grabbing dinner at Subway, grabbing a six pack of Yuengling, and get ready for the men's game...

.....which was also crap. Mostly because the men just kinda gave in at the end and it came down to 1 point with .5 seconds left on the clock.


I can't kid you all, I was gripping on my toes because I was so pissed....we did win, though. BY ONE FUCKING POINT. It was a 2 seed against a 7 shouldn't have gone down like that.

Ugh....I hope we do better on Friday.

Yeah, I have nothing to do tomorrow. If I drove down (the original schedule), I was going to go check out the games tomorrow and say hi to my friend Liz, who is conducting the Jacksonville band. We met like 3 years ago when she told me she loved my wig.

That was in Nashville....and I somehow lost her number. Hmm..

OH WELL. I'll get it sometime. I might just grab a taxi or's like five miles from the hotel, so that's like, an hour walking?

......I'll let you know. I'm tired and I'm going to sleep for 17 hours. Nighty!

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