Friday, January 28, 2011


Wait, you mean we have progress?!?!

Well, SORT OF. It's still in the early works, but we are working on about five to eight songs. From stuff that I've done in the past (songs like 'Knives of Ivy' and 'Cubed'), and some of the stuff I'm just now writing (song titles yet to be determined...mostly because I haven't written the lyrics) about five to eight licks have been composed and are being worked on to complete the entire song.

I spent some time yesterday working on some Moog riffs that I forgot and I believe I still have them in mind. All sounded rather badass and I can't wait for the rest of the band to hear them so we can work together to come up with those songs!

Perry's working hard as well, spending private time on some original stuff and expanding on the MIDI and samples I've been sending him via e-mail. Currently he is stuck with a lot going on, so I'm letting him work privately while Jonathan and I try to meet up and collab on more symphonic and keyboard patterns.

So, just a head's up. As for a release of those five songs/EP, I would want to push for sometime around May, but that's just me talking about it. We, as a band have yet to discuss that, so it would need to be something discussed with the band before we get anything in stone. Plus, we would need the songs as well.

So, we are making some good progress right now. The machine that makes the concrete is here, now we just got to lay down the cement and watch it turn to concrete. And we all know how long that can take.

- Foochy

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