Monday, January 24, 2011

All work and no play make Homer go something something...

Seriously. It seems that's all that I do now. Not that I should REALLY complain because I actually really enjoy both jobs I have, but I do need a break and to "relight the flame" that I have.

So, I get up at 4:15am four days a week in order to be at work and wide awake to unload boxes and boxes and pallets and pallets of crap. I work maybe 5-8 hours during the time, so that puts me getting out at around 12:30-1:00. Not a bad time to get out of work, but by then I'm BUSHED. I'm so tired that caffeine is the only thing keeping me awake from time to time. Not to mention how sore I am from moving all around the store and up and down stairs for around 4-5 hours at a time.

But, in reality, the work environment is the best I've actually had and it's worth getting up for. And I'm getting great exercise to help get my body in shape, so I'm glad. And I have my afternoons free to basically chill and watch a bunch of nerd stuff.

...But my nights are for my night stuff, working at [local radio station], which is what I went to college for. And yes, I'm uberly obsessed with that job. Sure, I live about 30-40 minutes away from it (and driving home late at night sucks when you have to get up only hours later for work the next day), but it's something I wouldn't give up at all.

Oh, and having the extra cash is nice for a geek like myself.

Nevertheless, it just doesn't seem like I have as much free time as I should to have "me" time. And yeah, that can have some issues with you mentally, but a vacation would be nice. Some time away from work and stress and this shit-hole of a town would be nice....rather than spending every night (that I'm not working) drinking and watching sometime monotonous on TV.

But I got some due, which is nice. MTAC will be a nice break from some of this, but the A-sun touney would be a GREAT getaway from a lot of this stuff, and it's soon...

Oh, college basketball....How I miss thee SO much. :-)

More on those two LATER!

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